Dear Emma and Preston,

       Following the steps outlined in the original Boron Letters, I set out to create an information product to sell. Also, I was looking for a hungry crowd of motivated buyers hopefully with a need I could help solve.

       The idea that struck me was to create a whole campaign designed to sell financial information to people affected by or in fear of the coming recession.

       I thought this would be a great time to run an ad on how to profit from the recession.

       Here is my master plan. I want to run an ad in IBD (Investor's Business Daily). The ad will be long enough to make sure the headline is visible in the top half of the paper or "over the fold" as they say in the business.

       The headline for my ad is…

How To Make A Boatload Of Cash From The Looming Recession!

       The ad goes on to explain that I know a lot of inside experts in the real estate, stock market, banking and so on and that I am willing to give away a report on how rich people are making money off of the bad economy.

       The short lead generating ad will tell them to e-mail me for the free report.

       Once they send me an e-mail, an automatic e-mail with the free report attached is sent to them immediately. The names we get are what we call leads and since that is the goal of the ad, you can see why they call it a lead generating ad.

       Now I may have to change the fact that they can only e-mail me to a phone number or some other way of taking their information. However, if I can get a good list of people who were willing to go from reading the paper to e-mail me for the report, those will be hot prospects and I can use that list to make a lot of money.

       I'll discuss this more later when I explain how to write an ad.

       The next step in the master plan will be to send them a very informative report for free as promised and ask them for nothing. This will hopefully make them happy and think nice things about me.

       About a week later, they will get an e-mail from me, explaining what the big players in the stock market are doing.

       I'll give them very good info and at the end of the free report explain that we know a guy who is successful playing the market and teaches people how to do so. If they want more info on him, they can click on a link to see his advertising.

       The person with the course sends them the product and we split the money. This by the way is a standard joint venture deal for information products.

       The following week, I will send them a report on how to live off of interest and it will pitch nobody and again give them great info for free.

       Then I will send them a report on how people are making money from the government bailouts. It will explain how they affect the currency markets, which is called the FOREX market. At the end of that report, I tell them that if any of that info sounds good to them, they should invest in another associate's course on FOREX trading.

       Of course there will be a link to his marketing and we will split any money that comes in 50/50.

       After the ad runs, the only thing I will have to do is send out e-mails. In fact, I won't even have to do that because Kevin will take care of it.

       Since we have no expenses at all, to make a profit, all we have to do is make at least $2,500 from the ad. The products we are recommending are all high-ticket items and sell for around 5,000. With my deal, I get half of that which means we only need to get one sale to stick (not refund) to be profitable.

       Suppose the ad brings me 700 names of people interested in knowing how to make money in this economy. Let's assume the ad costs $2,500. That means each name would cost $3.57.

If we sold 10 units we could have an 80% return rate and still make money. This is exactly the kind of numbers your grandfather loved.

       So with our math we need to sell 2 out of 700. That is only one third of one percent.

       Wait, it gets even better.

       Since I will be sending them great information often, I can keep making them different offers.

       Those that don't buy information on trading currencies may be interested in how to make money in other ways. They could be more interested in the foreclosures or the stock market.

       My favorite part of this plan is that I have unlimited number of attempts to make it profitable because there are no costs whatsoever in sending out an e-mail.

       Now I keep saying that I provide them good info and people might wonder how I am sure that I am doing so. The answer is simple. I get all my information from good sources and I have always been a student of business. But, let us suppose I knew nothing about the financial industry. There would still be nothing to stop me from gathering material from experts and having them help author the reports to link to their own products.

       Many people do just that and have most of their material provided by affiliates who want the exposure.

       Well that is the master plan kids.



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